#48 Matt Khoo from ICD Property Market Insights

Michael Bird
May 2, 2024
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Matt Khoo from ICD Property Market Insights

Episode 48. Market Insights: Urban's Mike Bird chats with ICD Property, Matt Khoo

The interview between Mike Bird, CEO of Urban.com.au, and Matt Khoo from ICD Property provides valuable insights for buyers considering ICD Property's latest development Aspire Tower in Melbourne's CBD.

Published on Urban.com.au/news: Why an apartment development is only as good as its team: Five minutes with ICD's Matt Khoo
  1. ICD Property's Experience: Matt Khoo shares that ICD Property, a Melbourne-based company, has been in the industry for 15 years and has delivered 1,500 homes. Their philosophy focuses on building projects that stand the test of time and deliver value to buyers.
  2. Focus on Quality and Amenity: The discussion highlights the importance of considering a developer's track record and their emphasis on quality and amenity. Projects like Aspire Tower in Melbourne's CBD showcase ICD's commitment to excellence and continuous improvement based on past experiences.
  3. Company Culture and Community Involvement: ICD's culture, driven by founder and chairman Michael Mai, emphasises staff well-being and community engagement. This commitment to culture influences decision-making and contributes to the overall quality of their projects.
  4. Collaboration with Consultants and Builders: ICD prioritises collaboration with top-tier consultants and builders to ensure the delivery of high-quality developments. Their approach involves understanding customer needs, maintaining feasibility, and optimising value without compromising on quality.
  5. Importance of Amenities and Aspect: The interview stresses the significance of amenities and aspect in apartment living. ICD focuses on providing amenities that add value to residents' lives and ensure efficient floor plans tailored to their needs.
  6. Advice for Buyers: Prospective buyers are advised to consider a developer's experience, the quality of builders, and the suitability of amenities before making a purchase decision. Understanding the developer's track record and the project's feasibility are crucial factors to assess.
Aspire Melbourne - 301 King Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
City Tattersalls Club - 194-204 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Watching the interview provides valuable insights into the real estate development process, highlighting the importance of quality, collaboration, and customer-centricity in creating successful projects.

Urban Communities
Michael Bird

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