#63 Spotlight on Harbour Shores, Live Panel Discussion

Michael Bird
September 10, 2024
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Spotlight on Harbour Shores

Episode #63 Live Panel: David Higgins from Colliers, Michael Long from Lewis Land Group, and Nikita Russ from Tomorrow Agency

The Urban.com.au Market Insights Live Gold Coast Event, in partnership with Resilience Insurance, recently featured put a spotlight on the team that has taken Harbour Shores to market — David Higgins from Colliers, Michael Long from Lewis Land Group, and Nikita Russ from Tomorrow Agency. This panel discussion highlights the innovative strategies and market reception for this large-scale development, poised to reshape the Northern Gold Coast.

Strong Market Reception and Strategic Phasing

David Higgins shared how the project entered the market before Christmas, aiming to capitalise on the summer selling period. Despite less-than-ideal weather conditions, the outdoor pop-up was a proving ground for their marketing strategy. Transitioning from an outdoor setup to a temporary indoor display, the project has now moved to a fully engaged phase with a newly opened display. The market has responded positively, with Harbour Shores already outselling the previous year’s total off-the-plan sales for the area within the first quarter of this year.

The phased approach, starting with smaller displays and gradually ramping up, has allowed the developers to refine their strategies based on market feedback. This method has proven effective in building momentum and validating the project's master plan, which prioritises location, quality of planning, and floor plan design.

Development Timeline and Challenges

Michael Long provided insights into the development timeline, which spans over a decade. The project kicked off four years ago with a design competition that selected BDA for the master plan. The site, zoned as RD6, is set to yield 2,000 dwellings, with a mix of low-rise waterfront, mid-rise, and high-rise buildings. The project has faced challenges, including finding a suitable builder, which was resolved by partnering with Greyburn, a collaboration that is set to kickstart the first stage of construction.

The first stage, consisting of 150 dwellings, is scheduled for settlement by mid-2026, with stage two already approved for an additional 230 dwellings across three towers. The team is now focused on delivering a project that balances profitability with the need for diverse housing options amid the ongoing housing crisis.

Messaging and Market Positioning

Nikita Russ emphasised the importance of messaging and maintaining brand longevity for a project of this scale. Harbour Shores is positioned not just as another development but as a unique, resort-style residential community. The focus is on storytelling and engaging with potential buyers on a deeper level, rather than relying solely on traditional marketing tactics. The strategy involves highlighting the project's partners and creating a connection between buyers and the development team, ensuring transparency and trust.

Given the current market dynamics, where buyers are more informed and demand transparency, the team is committed to providing detailed information upfront. This approach helps to build trust and ensures that potential buyers are well-informed, reducing the risk of losing them to competing projects.

Sustainability and Future-Proofing

Sustainability is a cornerstone of the Harbour Shores project. Michael Long detailed the efforts to integrate environmental considerations into the design, including an all-electric site with no gas, extensive EV charging infrastructure, solar energy, and a significant portion of the site dedicated to green space. These features are not just selling points but essential elements of future-proofing the development, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable living options.

Navigating Market Challenges

The panel also discussed the broader challenges facing the property market, including the impact of rising interest rates on buyer affordability. David Higgins pointed out that while prestige buyers are less affected, the broader market, particularly single buyers and couples, are facing significant hurdles due to stricter lending criteria. The team’s approach involves educating buyers about these challenges and ensuring they are prepared for the financial realities of purchasing property in the current market.

Harbour Shores is set to redefine the Northern Gold Coast, combining luxury, sustainability, and strategic market positioning. The project’s success so far is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the development, marketing, and sales teams, who are working together to navigate the complexities of the current market while delivering a project that meets the needs of today’s buyers.

Urban Communities
Michael Bird

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