Jake Taylor
August 4, 2023
min read
As part of the Urban Feature Video service, Urban work with the project team on:
Unfortunately, there are a lot of great property videos that only get a few hundred views.
Perhaps most importantly, as part of the Urban Feature Video service we also include an amplification of the video to our audience via amplification across Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, EDM, Urban News as well as hosted on the Project Listing.
While these videos typically see ~5,000 views per month, the goal for the service is to give leads great context on the project. Where a buyer is able to watch a video, read an article, view the listing and finally go through Urban 8 step enquiry process with SMS Verification, by the time they get to the sales team they should have a much better understanding of the property.
Urban’s video series has been designed as a tool to qualify buyer interest in your project. Each video takes a deeper dive into the details of the development, equipping viewers with a greater understanding of the development, and resulting in leads with higher purchase intent.
We’ve found that leads who have watched an Urban video:
- Have had an initial chance to vet the project visually
- Are ready to discuss the finer details with the sales agent
- Are further along in their property search journey
Speak to the team about leveraging the Urban audiences and services for your new development.